Monday, April 25, 2011

Oh Dorothy.....I've Had A Flying House Experience!

I woke up this morning and finally figured out what happened.  Unbeknownst to me, because it probably happened when I was asleep, our entire house, yard, barn and extranneous elements were taken up in a tornado and thrown back down in Seattle, Washington.

How do I know this?  Well, for one, I know that Seattle's weather will prove me out.  Seattle has between 201 - 264 cloudy, rainy or combination-of-both days.  Typically, in PA, we've had some sunshine and warmer weather by now.  Not so.  So I'm going to base my entire theory on this premise and the fact that I sleep soundly enough to have a huge revolving funnel be able to carry me away without knowing it.

Here's a chart of Seattle weather to date in April:

EXACTLY!  This is what has been happening!

Look, I know that April showers bring May flowers, but if that is the case, we are going to look like Holland come May, because we are inundated.

Needless to say, this gloominess does nothing for the spirit.  People need sunshine to flourish, just like plants.  Dogs need to be walked, parks need to be visited...I'd love to get out of my car just once and not carry an umbrella.  I'll probably carry that thing even after the sun finally comes out because I'm so used to having it as an extra appendage.

I actually looked at a CRAFT KIT the other day in Borders!  THIS IS REALLY SCAREY!

I'm about to mail out a bunch of mail today.  I've written a note on the backs of the envelopes "When you get this, will you please call me and let me know where the postmark is from?"  Because I'm convinced those calls will say:  SEATTLE!!!!


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